
Showing posts from July, 2021

Farmer's Almanacs; Planting by the Signs of the Moon

Farmer's Almanacs help you discover how to plant patio container gardens, small hobby farms, raised beds, and backyard gardens according to the signs of the moon. Woman planting lettuce in the garden. Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels. Moon Lore & Herbal Folklore “First, thou shalt know and observe the moon’s age for thy working.” -S. L. MacGregor Mathers, The Lesser Key of Solomon Farmers are responsible for the planting, growing, and harvesting of a variety of food crops which are a necessary component of our food supply. In the past farmers used imitative magic techniques such as leaping high into the air astride their pitchforks to cause the crops to grow tall and prosperous. Farmers pay close attention to the phases of the moon and signs of the zodiac when planning any of their gardening chores.  Consult a good book such as Llewellyn’s yearly Moon Sign Book or one of the farmer’s almanacs for detailed information regarding the phases of the moon. Farmer’s almanacs s...

Herbal Folklore; Leechcraft and Wortcunning

Learn all about leechcraft and other ancient herbal folklore. Photo by  PhotoMIX Company  from  Pexels Leechcraft and Ancient Herbal Folklore When you first think of the word leech, you may think of one of those slimy, blood-sucking, parasitic worms. But leech is actually derived from an Old English Anglo-Saxon word meaning a physician or one who heals. These ancient healers, AKA leeches, thought disease was caused by demons and evil spirits entering the body. The treatments used by the leeches were meant to rid the body of these obnoxious intruders and must have had merit as their use continued through the Middle Ages. The ancient art of leechcraft used a variety of herbs for healing and medicinal properties and was often combined with amulets, prayers, charms, and spells. A leech book was an Anglo-Saxon book of plant-lore, which included different herbal remedies and healing rituals and was used as a sort of reference book while the leech was healing their patients. He...