Discover the Magical, Medicinal, and Culinary Properties of Star Anise
Discover the history, folklore, and uses of star anise. Star Anise at a Glance Common Name : Star anise Botanical Name : Illicium verum is the Latin name for star anise Plant Family : Schisandaceae Alternative Folk Names : Chinese star anise Chinese anise Ba jiao hui Badian Eight horns Eight-horned anise Aniseed stars Star Anise Facts and Information The Latin name for the star anise plant is Illicium verum . Star anise, which is sometimes called Chinese anise, is a member of the magnolia family. Physical Description : Star anise is a medium-sized evergreen tree with lance-shaped leaves and olive green fruits that turn a rusty brown color as they dry in the sun. The fruit of the Chinese anise plant looks like a six to eight-pronged pointed star, hence the name star anise. The prongs are usually split open and contain a single seed. The dried seed pod and seeds are aromatic and have a pungent, strong, yet mildly sweet taste. Habitation and Cultivation : Mature star anise trees can grow...