The Basics of Composting for Home Gardeners
The Basics of Composting for Home Gardeners Quick and Easy Composting Tips I keep two small plastic buckets with tight-fitting lids underneath my kitchen sink. I place all my kitchen scraps into these buckets. When the buckets are filled I take them outside and stir the contents into my compost bins. I purchased my two compost bins from my local solid waste authority (SWA). Once a month the SWA travels to one of the county libraries in my area where they sell recycling bin holders along with composting bins. The compost bins came with an under sink compost bucket and a 96-page guide on how to start, maintain and use your finished compost. I keep my compost bins in the shade on the east side of my house next to my homemade rain barrel. I like to make my own potting soil mix for containers using 2/3 of my homemade compost mixed in with 1/3 perlite. The perlite helps aerate the mixture and prevents it from becoming too compact or clumping together. Reasons to Compost compost makes a fanta...